2025 Presenters

Dennis Baldwin

Biography: For 30 years he pastored at Grace Fellowship Church of God in Front Royal, Virginia and also pastor in Illinois, North Carolina. Dennis was mentored by Pastor Z. B. Duncan in Lenoir, North Carolina and by the Church of the Resurrection Hope elders and leaders. He is licensed and ordained by his home church in North Carolina, by the Southeast Conference of the Churches of God and by the Church of God General Conference.

Sunday sermon: TBA

Synopsis: TBA


Anthony Buzzard

Biography: Anthony was born in Surrey, England and educated at Oxford University and Bethany Theological Seminary. He served as co-editor of A Journal from the Radical Reformation and is the current editor-in-chief of Focus on the Kingdom, a FREE monthly magazine. Anthony is married to Barbara and lives in Fayetteville, GA.

Title: TBA 

Synopsis: TBA

www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir Anthony Buzzard


Ken LaPrade

Biography: Ken graduated from SMU with a B.A. in Religions in 1975. He began Bible studies in 1972 and continued missionary work in several U.S. locations, Spain, and Mexico. He and his wife Luz del Carmen have both worked as school teachers and have raised three sons. They are currently involved in presenting bilingual meetings with a biblical, Kingdom focus in El Paso, Texas; Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; Chihuahua, Mexico.

Title: Parable of the Sower

Synopsis: TBA

Merryl DeMott

Biography: Merryl is a graduate of Montclair State College in New Jersey and has a BA in Early Childhood Education. She came out of Catholicism and the Watchtower/Jehovah Witnesses organization. Merryl currently lives in Oregon and has full time job in the telecommunication industry. She has 4 grown children, and 7 grandchildren. She enjoys reading, long walks, and taking care of her 5 dogs and 2 cats.

Title: The 8 Kingdom Texts in Acts 


Greg Deuble

Biography: Greg Deuble was born and currently lives with his wife in QLD, Australia. He graduated from the Churches of Christ, N.S.W. Bible College and held various pastoral ministries throughout Australia. Greg is a retired ambulance paramedic.

Title: Jesus: Alpha & Omega

Synopsis: TBA

J. Dan Gill

Biography: J. Dan Gill is Editor in Chief at 21st Century Reformation. He is also a regular contributor to 21st Century Reformation Online and has written many articles and papers on a variety of biblical subjects. He is a frequent speaker on Christian issues. J. Dan Gill is the author of “The One – In Defense of God” a book which makes the biblical case for non-trinitarian “absolute” Christian monotheism. 

Title: On Preexistence 

Synopsis: TBA

Barbara Buzzard

Biography: Barbara began studying Psychology but moved to England and married Sir Anthony Buzzard. While raising her 3 daughters she tried her hand at landscaping and enjoys writing articles and reviews for Focus on the Kingdom. She is a passionate Pro-Life advocate and all things Bible and creation.

Title: TBA

Synopsis: TBA

Tracy Z.

Biography: Tracy is a full-time missionary who served in Russia for nearly 20
years. She also works alongside many scattered brethren and helps to
encourage and strengthen the saints. Her website kogmissions.com and
YouTube video ministry youtube.com/KingdomofGodMinistryMissions engage
in full-time internet evangelism and connect like-minded believers
around the world.

Title: Two Resurrections with 1,000 Years In-Between 

Synopsis: Our hope and reward are resurrection and immortality. It is important to understand death and resurrection. When we understand when people will be resurrected, we have a better understanding of end times prophecy.

Alane Rozelle

Biography: Alane grew up in the Church of God-Abrahamic Faith in Indiana; attended Purdue University and Atlanta (Oregon) Bible College; she finished a Master's in Spanish at Central Michigan University; currently ELL support in a high school career tech center. 

Title: TBA

Synopsis: TBA



Some of the beliefs and opinions by presenters may not necessarily reflect the beliefs and views of Restoration Fellowship.